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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Walking the Portland Marathon!

Maybe I am crazy, but I'm doing it again!
Yes, this will be the 3rd time that I get up early and walk the Portland Marathon!
The first time, I walked with 2 dedicated friends, last time, I walked on my own
(I don't recommend this option!) and this time I am walking with my dear OCOM classmate, Christa.

Walking is an amazing form of movement. I am not sure that I could list all of the good points - there are far too many, but here are a few:
It's free!
It gets you outside, in touch with the sun, the wind, the seasons.
You get time to yourself, to breathe deeply and let go of your tension - in this way it is a kind of meditation.
Walking 20 minutes a day increases the amount of Vitamin D that your body can make.

20 minutes of walking a day reduces insulin resistance!
According to the Mayo Clinic, movement helps to decrease anxiety and depression.
"Just how exercise reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety isn't fully understood. Some evidence suggests that exercise raises the levels of certain mood-enhancing neurotransmitters in the brain. Exercise may also boost feel-good endorphins, release muscle tension, help you sleep better, and reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. It also increases body temperature, which may have calming effects. All of these changes in your mind and body can improve such symptoms as sadness, anxiety, irritability, stress, fatigue, anger, self-doubt and hopelessness."

Walking the marathon is not for everyone, but I love that it gives me a goal to work towards, and motivates me to get off my butt and 'just do it'. There are men and women walking those 26 miles who inspire me greatly: the 90 year old women who walks it every year, rain or shine, the people who are missing feet, or legs ( and I am complaining about what, exactly??)

In my clinical practice, I advise all of my patients to get some kind of movement each day, and while 26 miles may make you turn green at the thought, why not call a friend and ask them to go for a walk with you? Or gather your husband, wife or kids, and take a 20 minute walk after dinner. You'll be glad you did.

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